Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's a ............................

GIRL, or so we think. We are pretty sure. We had an ultrasound last week and after looking at 20 different angles (with no visible kick stand) the ultrasound technician determined that she was 'pretty sure' it was a GIRL. The baby (being difficult) didn't give us a straight on shot, but with the amount of doctor appointments I have, ultrasounds included I am sure we will have a confirmation soon.

So just in case it might be a boy, all we have to do is remove the bow!

We are thrilled that we are 'pretty sure' it's a GIRL but will be equally as thrilled if it's a boy(slim chance). After the rough past couple of months we have had, we are just ecstatic that the baby is looking healthy.


Harward Family said...

Congratulations on another GIRL! I am in LOVE with your hair it looks so cute! Do you mind if I ask what salon you went to and the name of the person that did it? I just think you look so great!

Brynn said...

Hilarious post, Tricia. Congratulations! We are all so happy for you guys. We miss you!