Monday, November 17, 2008

Another potty story

Tatum has been doing very well on the potty she has even started to tell us when she has to go. Just yesterday she said "I have to go poops." I was thrilled, I wouldn't be cleaning up a poop . So we ran to the potty, she went, we cheered and we were back to playing blocks with daddy. It wasn't five minutes later and she said, " I have to go poops." So we raced back to the bathroom and she let out a tremendous fart, she was so proud. She climbed off the potty and looked into the toilet and exclaimed "Oh no mommy, it didn't work!" I am still laughing about it!

1 comment:

meg said...

That is so funny! I love the way a 3-year-old mind works. I never want them to grow up!