Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Elf on the Shelf and Day 4

Elf Donuts.. in an Altoid tin

 Powdered Donut

 This year we started the "Elf on the Shelf" Tradition and it has been so fun/funny.
The kids love it.
They chose to name our Elf -Harold.
The kids race around each morning to find Harold and see what kind of mischief he caused during the night.


Stephanie said...

I am LOVING Elf on the Shelf. Although your elf is more fun....mine serves mainly to keep Max from being naughty:)

FSUKasi said...

Your daughter looks identical to my daughter. It is truly bizarre. I am attaching a link to view my daughters picture. If you are not comfortable clicking on the link, just copy and past this into google and click images.

"kasi thursby" "reeslyn"

So funny how much they look alike.