Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One of a Kind

He really can push my buttons
He is LOUD
He always wears his METS hat
He adore/shadows/teases Tatum relentlessly
He makes Saylor laugh hysterically
He gives BIG bear hugs
He is always DIRTY
He is tough
He is a world class SNUGGLER
He loves books
Loves cars
Common Phrases:
"I did dit!"
"No, dat's not right!"
" I sorry!"
He melts my heart!
 OH and this kid is totally obsessed with
"The BIG Bad Wold and the Three Little Pigs"
He loves the story, the movie, the song and he loves to reenact the story

What's not to love?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beach 2010 Part 2

Fun Zone and Park

Uncle Trevor and kids
Popcorn + Ice Cream + Cotton Candy = not very smart Uncles

Beach 2010

Linc and Uncle Todd
So excited!
All three ready to beach it up!

Tatum and Uncle Tyler

Beach Thug
Saylor and Pa
It was freezing!

Loving it

The End.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Ye merry union!
Lexi & Jay Merryfield
Newport Beach

Lexi & Tatum