How was I to know that this kid was experiencing withdrawals? I haven't made a box of Kraft Mac N Cheese in about 3 weeks, maybe that doesn't seem like that long but for my two picky eaters it is. We have really been focusing on eating healthier and trying to coerce our kids into doing the same, and it has been working they are eating more variety and less of the Mac N Cheese.
Today I gave in, I have had a couple of really bad days, a bit of the flu I think. I can't keep anything down and I am losing sleep. So I took the easy CHEESY way out today.
Tatum didn't want any,
but this kid,
it was an entirely different story.
He started with a spoon, but that didn't last much longer than two bites and he was double fisting the stuff into his mouth:
It gets better; forget the spoon, forget the hands, he holds nothing back.
I love it!