Thursday, January 3, 2013

We turned to the bottle..

 This little guy just can't catch a break.
When he hit six months he was scheduled for his surgery but I called and rescheduled and pushed it back until after the holidays.
He had hypospadius and chordee repair surgery. We went in first thing in the morning and we were home early afternoon. They took my little guy from triage and we weren't allowed to see him until it was over. The scariest part was that he had to be put under completely.
He had a stent and catheter in for 10 days and every diaper change was a very traumatic experience.
Once the stent and catheter were removed, he seemed to feel better and the healing really progressed from that point on.
I tried to keep him home, out of the carseat and on his back to keep him most comfortable.
I had a lot of help with getting the kids to and from the places they needed to be.
It was about 6 weeks for him to look, and I think feel completely healed.
He is such a trooper.

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