Monday, November 5, 2012

So sweet and so seven!

 This girl is seven.
Wow. Seriously, I am so lucky to have this seven year old.
She is excited about each day, she dreams big, she is crafty and clever, she is silly and sweet,
she is smart, she is sensitive and she brings so much joy to our lives.
She loves Lego Friends. She loves Girl Scouts and she loves to read.

 Mini doughnuts for school

This girl loves a birthday party. This year I just didn't have it in me, so we made a trip to the Salon with GoGo and 4 friends, and then for ice-cream afterwards.

 Lots of cute toes and fingers, they each got a birthday cupcake painted on.
 With ice-cream and clip-on hair.

 Such a fun group of girls.
Family party

No cake, just more ice-cream

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