Monday, August 6, 2012

Nash comes HOME!

 Nash finally had all the tubes removed and I think he heard us talking about coming home in his sleep. I love that little smirk.
Loading up in the van, one month old and he gets to feel the warm sunlight.

After a month of sleepless nights and lots of tears our little man made it home!!!
 It was a super surreal moment, I remember starting the morning off depressed because we had hit the one month mark and there wasn't much talk of him coming home. The day before he had all the tubes removed and we were just praying that he would start eating enough on his own to bring him home. 
At noon our NICU nurse really pushed for our discharge and by 4 pm we were home.
We came home to the posters made by the kids and lots of excitement.
 They couldn't get enough of him.

 They were in awe.

 I finally felt like I could breathe.
 Those first couple days were so special, I would catch Saylor just watching him sleep.

 It was the best feeling in the world to hold him cord free, and just let him snuggle and sleep.

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