Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been quite a week...

Tuesday night was a rough night. Saylor had a fever that just kept creeping up and finally hit 102, her whole body felt like it was on fire. She was miserable. She moaned and groaned and was inconsolable. I held her all night. The next morning I was able to get the fever down but it went up and down like a roller coaster all day. I took her into the doctor first thing Thursday morning after 48 hours of no sleep and a very sad little girl. On top of teething and a cold she has a double ear infection. Once we received the amoxicillin it seemed to kick in almost immediately. She still has a runny nose, a bit of a cough but the constant crying and moaning has ceased and she is even sleeping without me holding her. I am so relieved she is feeling a bit better.
She was miserable.. but  she has gone from this

 to this in a matter of days..

 Literally she wouldn't let me put her down..but just hours after getting her fever under control and an antibiotic for her earaches she was happy to be playing by herself.
Except now we have this..
a sick and exhausted Lincoln.

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