Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Return of the Mohawk



Brooklyn said...

Way to continue the family tradition! I'll bet Ben makes sure to ask your permission, though, before he even THINKS about styling the kids' hair into mohawks...

Christine Segura said...

She is just so cute! She makes me want to have a girl. I love the mohawks, maybe we need some around here.:) I also wanted to tell you that if you are looking for a preschool, Redlands Playschool is so awesome! It is right up there on Olive St. and I loved it so much. Nicole Clark had Sidney going there and I honestly say enough good things about it! Check it out for sure! Let me know if you have any questions about it:)
I love your blog! Christine

Brynn said...

I love it! Cute post, Tricia.

Unknown said...

No you have to rock the mohawk dish to make the bunker family complete.